Edit: Im editing this post because I need some serious help from someone who actually knows what there doing because i know what ive done wrong. Im putting recent updates on last post.
Hey guys. First off want to say glad to be apart of the community and try not to rip me to hard.
Ive been dipping my foot in the world of internet security. Mostly as a hobby and curiosity. Ive been having an issue with my internet. After a couple days of trouble shooting to the best of my abilities and reading a bunch i think i might have found the problem but was wanting some feedback because ill be honest, kali is very hard to learn as a beginner.
Ok so idk where to start but I try. I downloaded kali 2020.1b live on usb and played around a bit. First thing I did was use airmon-ng to go into monitor mode and detect some wifi connections in the area and a few other harmless things. I didnt know what i was doing so basically stopped there. Had no issues going back into managed mode.
Also I didnt install with mirrors so next thing I looked into was adding repositories to update kali. I could see all wifi connections and connected to mine. This is where things fell apart. I opened browser and tried to load up kali docs but didn't have internet even though i was connected. So I tried to trouble shoot and read a lot hoping I didnt screw anything up.
Ok let me give a little more info so you can understand why I was thinking how i was and what I did... Dont judge me. I like to play fornite but the neighbors who I share wifi with, they don't pay for it, free loaders... Are always connected running roku and 5 other things 24/7. So I used my phone and fing app to see what ip they were on and copied it using static ip to block there devices using post internet, arp spoofing/poisioning I think, I know I know, selfish me. But that quickly became a pain after they realized they could disconnect and get a new ip via dhcp protocol. And I only had so many devices for each one they had. Ok so what I noticed was that I think the dhcp logs got jackd up or something bc sometimes I noticed it would assign someone to my ip or visa versa without using static ip although not often. I didnt have access to admin PW to mac block btw. Ok so keep this in mind.
Well ive used kali in the past same network same computer same everything but only live usb with persistence. At first everything seemed to work fine. I noticed it would assign random MAC therefor letting dhcp assign safe ip different from host ip and everyone else. But I never really used internet and would mostly stay offline learning commands on kali basics. So then I decided to try to do dual boot with my laptap. The hp notebook with rtl8188ee nic. And after careful reading managed to set it up with few hiccups with BIOS I managed to work out. Eufi btw.
Cant remember any specific order but first I would ifconfig and noticed I was gettong assigned same ip as host. But I was using mac changer on host and kali was showing permant mac. So that confuses me as to why dhcp was giving us same ip. And it wasnt random changing MAC like before. So I then used macchanger -a wlan0 after bringing wlan0 down and then back up. Mac changed but up ip did not. Which I found odd. So then I used internet properties of GUI to setup static ip after going offline which worked. But still didnt have internet. I also noticed there were a lot of dropped RX packets. I tried to ping see.google.com and then This is were I run into something I havnt read about at all anywhere.
What was happening was i would get maybe 1 or most 2 successful pings and the rest would not work out of around 10. For both. 90-80 percent dropped packets. I would try to change mac. Use dhcp change hostname every single time my ling results would be the same. After every change the original 1 or 2 initial packets would get threw and then nothing. I thought there was a conflict in IP with dhcp not working but was really confused how that could be. Also while check cat /etc/resolv.conf I woild notice sometimes I would get a dns ip of my server or dns of google. Bc I would set up dns and not trying different things. Mostly I would not get anything though win usong that comand. I also tried to replace false with true on my interface file. That didnt seem to affect anything. I finally added and on the /etc/resolv.cong file and used (forget the command) to make it unchangeable. That didnt seem to make a difference other than I could always get that file to come up now.
I would also go back into windows 10 1909 and my internet would work. So I figured something had to be wrong with my network setting.
So after all that I tried to add repositories to my sources.list file and would I use apt-get update it would say 1hour to load then load after 15 seconds and say kali.com could not be reached or unable to resolve host. Which i read could be a lot of stuff. So at this point I wasn't sure if my network files were jacked or my dhcp on server was faulty. But only had issues on kali dual boot. Btw wiped my usb kali live and installed kali install to install my dual boot so couldnt use kali love from USB to try that. But what I ended up doing was wiping kali install and making kali live usb and reinstalled kali using that. Before i did though i tried connecting to internet with everything default on kali live boot from usb with same ping and internet symptoms. 1 or 2 first pings good then drop everything else. So after reinstall left everything default and same thing.
So couple other things I did. I noticed when editing internet connection threw GUI I see that eth0 shared same MAC and wlan0 and if I changed wlan0, eth0 would still have orginal MAC so I thought somehow that was the issue and removed it using - option on edit connection. That had no effect. I also tried to do ifconfig eth0 down. No effect on connect. So I then read about changing network-manager to use up down protocol adding lines from kali docs configuring network where I would add lines to interfaces file I think where it had auto lo lines. I left the auto lo lines there and just added the ones from kali suggestion. Sry not more specific in going from memory. But I didnt know of should put my network acuatal name and wpa actually password so what but that had No effect. So I just edited everything back to orginal as not to mess up my files.
Other thing I tried was this command
Systemctl enable systemd-networkd
Systemctl enable systemd-resolved
Systemctl start systemd-networkd
Systemctl start systemd-resolved
ln -sf /run/systemd/resolve/resolv.conf /etc/resolv.conf
And that last line did not work. I forget the error that came up. I also wasnt sure if that very first letter was a L but im pretty sure it was after researching this command which switched the network manager I believe. So that did not work. Idk what i did wrong.
Other things I noticed. When running dmesg I saw a bunch of
rtlwifi: AP off, try to reconnect now.
Followed by 6 lines starting with wlan0 ending with authentication. I think what was happening is it was trying to connect to server and would connect then disconnect. And repeat. I notived the ip was my servers IP kt was authenticating with. I thought maybe it was connecting to IPv6 and then messing up again. Idk. I also noticed it couldnt get an ipv4 only connection looking at ifconfig. I also tryed to disable that in setting thinking spoofing my MAC wasnt good enough to get new ip threw dhcp if i had same ipv6 which i dont think was the case considering my mac was differnet but I was trying everything.
Everything I did all came to same exact thing with internet not loading pages and ping systems the same.
Another thing I noticed was when using
nmcli -d
everything looked correct except I can see
p2p-dev-wlan0. Wi-Fi-p2p disconnected
In red. Idk what that is. I was assuming someone connecting to me?
Finally went into airmon-ng to look at wifi card (rtl8188ee) and noticed it said k for driver which said it was kali driver but NA for firmware. So im thinking the firmware needs to be updated maybe. I then went to
modinfo rtl8188ee
and it shows
firmware. rtlwifi/rtl8188efw.bin
So I'm.confused as to if I have good firmware or not. I did try to read about issues aboit rtl8188ee and noticed there were a lot of firmware issues. Some fixed threw writing commands/ blacklisting or just updating.
So I thought id come here for advice. Sorry for being so long and not that detailed. I was looking how to add the files people post but couldn't find out and didnt know how to save the commands on kali and was just to much. Sorry. But what I plan on doing is going to differnet network using ethernet to connect to wifi to update my kali. Im thinking hopefully the firmware and whatever else I may need is in my updates im missing from install. And going from there maybe finding the right packages I need from git . but I figured maybe one of you more experienced guys might know whats going on and save me some time.
Couple questions. I noticed I dont have the icon list to left that mosy people have on home page. I think this is gnome which is can get with update/install I read i believe.
And is there a difference in install uaing kali live iso vs kali install? I read you get more options using kali install. If all else fails im going to reinstall kali conneceted to Ethernet to see if that helps.
Once again very sorry for the long post, lack of detailed info and not posting pictures/scripts. This is my first post and ive been spending all my time reading about my issues which like I said, ive never read aboit the ping issues im getting. Please lmk of you need any other information in more detail or whatever i can do to help you help me. Yes i Will look into Ubuntu or parrot. Thanks guys!!!