Dear Member,
How do I install Snort in Kali?
Best Regards.
Dear Member,
How do I install Snort in Kali?
Best Regards.
How do I solve this problem?:
root@kali:~# apt-get install snort
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
E: Unable to locate package snort
How do I adapt sources.list?
Try using sudo,
I am logged in as root.
Just looked snort is not in Kalies repository, I would suggest searching for a up to date tutorial for installing snort
Where can I find Kalies repository?
Search Google for a tutorial for how to install snort, Not sure why you have not tried that already just to be clear I have not installed snort on kali because I don't use kali as a router.
I have tried snort but I used a Ubuntu 16.04 server in a VM to try it.
start here if you want to try.
I don't think you know exactly what snort is, you should read more about it also you need full control over your router and most home routers are not really made for it.
you can look at this link.