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Thread: Nexus 5 - Can't get monitor mode to work

  1. #1
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    Exclamation Nexus 5 - Can't get monitor mode to work


    It's a fresh install over LineageOS 14.1 (Nougat) on my Nexus 5. Everything installed without problems so I went to Nethunter Store, downloaded Nexmon and opened it. First thing it asks me for root privileges, which I accept and Nexmon instantly crashes.... Well, let's try opening again, maybe was a fluke. Press again, and crashes... well ****.
    Just in case I try to patch the firmware anyway but no luck, it looks like it's working, no errors.I open terminal, type source monstart-nh, seems to work as no errors are given, after that I try wifite, can't put to monitor mode... ok. Airmon-ng, same error... well lets check with nexutil -m... another error "CANNOT LINK EXECUTABLE "nexutil": library "" not found". After I use monstop-nh I try again and nexutil works... I just don't know.

    It's a fresh install so I don't really know what else I can do. Any tips are welcomed.


  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by pispuso View Post

    It's a fresh install over LineageOS 14.1 (Nougat) on my Nexus 5. Everything installed without problems so I went to Nethunter Store, downloaded Nexmon and opened it. First thing it asks me for root privileges, which I accept and Nexmon instantly crashes.... Well, let's try opening again, maybe was a fluke. Press again, and crashes... well ****.
    Just in case I try to patch the firmware anyway but no luck, it looks like it's working, no errors.I open terminal, type source monstart-nh, seems to work as no errors are given, after that I try wifite, can't put to monitor mode... ok. Airmon-ng, same error... well lets check with nexutil -m... another error "CANNOT LINK EXECUTABLE "nexutil": library "" not found". After I use monstop-nh I try again and nexutil works... I just don't know.

    It's a fresh install so I don't really know what else I can do. Any tips are welcomed.

    I also have this on a fresh 6P. So far I've found out that doing
    cp /usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/ /system/lib64/
    cp /usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/ /system/lib64/
    cp /usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/ /system/lib64/
    helps with that. I have a chan -1 issue though if not connected to any AP before . monstart-nh
    Last edited by yesimxev; 2020-07-31 at 23:56.

  3. #3
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    try install Hijacker from nethunter store
    Nexmon apk crash om many setup when you grand permision
    If that didnt help
    You may not be able to install nexmon on LineageOS 14.1
    if you realy need android 7 please consider flash cfdroid.
    But if you like simple flash last stock factory img and zip from offensive-security.
    and run apt-get update
    apt upgrade
    apt-get install kali-tolls-wireless
    apt-get install hcxtools
    and just run
    source monstart-nh && wifite -i wlan0
    --- on nexus 6P--
    you will also need to install libpcap-dev libc6 libc6-dev

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by yesimxev View Post
    I also have this on a fresh 6P. So far I've found out that doing
    cp /usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/ /system/lib64/
    cp /usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/ /system/lib64/
    cp /usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/ /system/lib64/
    helps with that. I have a chan -1 issue though if not connected to any AP before . monstart-nh
    Otherwise, if the libnexmonkali is built with -s (stripped), it doesn't ask for the other libs. Anyway, fixed channel -1 is still there for all the time, so have give up for now

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nivelem View Post
    try install Hijacker from nethunter store
    Nexmon apk crash om many setup when you grand permision
    If that didnt help
    You may not be able to install nexmon on LineageOS 14.1
    if you realy need android 7 please consider flash cfdroid.
    But if you like simple flash last stock factory img and zip from offensive-security.
    and run apt-get update
    apt upgrade
    apt-get install kali-tolls-wireless
    apt-get install hcxtools
    and just run
    source monstart-nh && wifite -i wlan0
    --- on nexus 6P--
    you will also need to install libpcap-dev libc6 libc6-dev
    nexmon works properly on Nougat, the problem starts from Oreo 8+ versions

  6. #6
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    I’m not sure about the Nexus 5, but on my Nexus 6p running LineageOS 17.1 with Android 10, I find that I don’t need Nexmon. I can put internal WiFi into Monitor mode first thing after installing NetHunter. The option is in the NetHunter app, under custom commands.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by yesimxev View Post
    Otherwise, if the libnexmonkali is built with -s (stripped), it doesn't ask for the other libs. Anyway, fixed channel -1 is still there for all the time, so have give up for now
    Can you please provide instructions on how you built I have been able to build my own from the nexmon sources just fine, but I can't find instructions on how to build it for the Kali chroot environment.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by KaliWorm View Post
    Can you please provide instructions on how you built I have been able to build my own from the nexmon sources just fine, but I can't find instructions on how to build it for the Kali chroot environment.
    Can you try this newly patched repo to build in kali chroot?

    git clone -b libnl-support
    cd libnexmonkali
    see if it works on armhf. After enabled monitor mode with nexutil, then do export LD_PRELOAD=/your_path/ in every newly opened kali terminal window before running tools such as airodump

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