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Thread: Nexus 5 - Can't put wlan0 in monitor mode - Nexmon crashing

  1. #1
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    Exclamation Nexus 5 - Can't put wlan0 in monitor mode - Nexmon crashing


    I've done a clean install of LineageOS 14.1 (Nougat), after that Magisk, rooted it, installed last Nethunter image (2020.2) and rebooted. Nethunter detected chroot and everything looks fine. I open Nethunter Store, download Nexmon, open it and it asks for root privileges, which I accept, it instantly crashes...
    Just in case I try monstart-nh on terminal, it gives no errors but when I try airmon-ng of course it doesn't work since I could not patch the **** firmware.

    Anyway, any ideas?

    Thanks in advance!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Were you able to make it work

  3. #3
    nightdraco Guest

    I have the same issue with you on the same phone. After few days of searching, I found that the Nexmon firmware patch only supports Android 6 Stock on Nexus 5.
    ref link:

    So that's why the Nexmon app will crash. (happen to me though)
    I have also contacted the Nexmon's developers thru email and he stated that Nethunter most likely not work.

    Well, since I want to use NetHunter then Nexmon is out of the game.

    Here's the ways to enable monitor mode on Nexus 5:

    1)Graphically solution - Install an app called Hijacker from NetHunter store and it will tell u to install Nexmon. After install Nexmon, restart the app and airodump-ng will run. But it does not work on terminal (based on my experience), for example Wifite.
    2)CLI - If you want to use cli tools like Wifite, you can use external Wi-Fi adapter that supports packet injection and monitor mode like tp-link wn722n. Connecting your phone and the adapter using otg cable.

    PS: English is not my main language and the solutions are based on my experiences. Feel free to correct me if anything goes wrong.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by nightdraco View Post
    Well, since I want to use NetHunter then Nexmon is out of the game.

    Here's the ways to enable monitor mode on Nexus 5:

    1)Graphically solution - Install an app called Hijacker from NetHunter store and it will tell u to install Nexmon. After install Nexmon, restart the app and airodump-ng will run. But it does not work on terminal (based on my experience), for example Wifite.
    2)CLI - If you want to use cli tools like Wifite, you can use external Wi-Fi adapter that supports packet injection and monitor mode like tp-link wn722n. Connecting your phone and the adapter using otg cable.

    PS: English is not my main language and the solutions are based on my experiences. Feel free to correct me if anything goes wrong.
    I?m not sure if this?ll work for you, but it works on my 6p and NetHunter 2020.2 and .3:
    Open main NetHunter app, go to custom commands section, find ?start Wlan0 in monitor mode?, and tap Run.
    Please let us all know if that works or not.

    Also, regarding the wireless card you listed: monitor mode only works on the hardware revision 1, not 2 or 3. I have had great success with my Alfa AWUS036ACH with 802.11AC under NetHunter. I just had to add a module for Magisk to add the correct firmware.

  5. #5
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    Ah thanks, forgot about the monitor select in preferences. That will make things easier even if the dock does revert back to the main monitor, but hopefully that fixes it.Latest version of Nexus UltimateThanks

  6. #6
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    Post Verify that it works with your Nexus 5 model.

    Quote Originally Posted by pispuso View Post

    I've done a clean install of LineageOS 14.1 (Nougat), after that Magisk, rooted it, installed last Nethunter image (2020.2) and rebooted. Nethunter detected chroot and everything looks fine. I open Nethunter Store, download Nexmon, open it and it asks for root privileges, which I accept, it instantly crashes...
    Just in case I try monstart-nh on terminal, it gives no errors but when I try airmon-ng of course it doesn't work since I could not patch the **** firmware.

    Anyway, any ideas?

    Thanks in advance!

    To enable monitor mode on your Nexus 5, it appears that you are having problems using Nexmon, and Nexmon may be crashing. Here are some actions you might take:

    Verify that it works with your Nexus 5 model.
    Update the firmware on your smartphone and Nexmon.
    Ensure root access and appropriate permissions.
    For further information, check the crash logs.
    Look for answers in public forums or other methods.

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