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Thread: Report outdated / end-of-life Scan Engine / Environment (local)

  1. #1
    Join Date

    Report outdated / end-of-life Scan Engine / Environment (local)

    Hello everyone.

    After my last update of KALI LINUX on my laptop, the scanning with OPENVAS (fully updated also) came up with the following scan result:
    Report outdated / end-of-life Scan Engine / Environment (local)
    Installed GVM Libraries (gvm-libs) version: 9.0.3
    Latest available GVM Libraries (gvm-libs) version: 10.0.1

    Solution type: VendorFix

    Update to the latest available stable release for your scan environment. Please check the references for more information. If you're using packages provided by your Linux distribution please contact the maintainer of the used distribution / repository and request updated packages.

    Of course the other scanning results were extremely poor -actually far less than the usual of the same IP.

    Is it something I can do to fix this, or should I wait for a vendorfix?

    Thank you in advance,

    P. Leontios
    BEng, DIC, MSc, MBA

  2. #2
    Join Date

    How to Solve Outdated openvas message

    Hi, these are the steps I did to fix that issue:

    1. Download
    2. Install dependencies:
    apt install gcc g++ make bison flex libksba-dev curl redislibpcap-dev \
    cmake git pkg-config libglib2.0-dev libgpgme-dev libgnutls28-devuuid-dev \
    libssh-gcrypt-dev libldap2-dev gnutls-bin libmicrohttpd-devlibhiredis-dev \
    zlib1g-dev libxml2-dev libradcli-dev clang-format libldap2-devdoxygen \
    gcc-mingw-w64 xml-twig-tools libical-dev perl-base heimdal-devlibpopt-dev \
    libsnmp-dev python3-setuptools python3-paramiko python3-lxmlpython3-defusedxml python3-dev gettext python3-polib xmltoman \
    python3-pip texlive-fonts-recommended texlive-latex-extra--no-install-recommends

    3. Stop services:

    sudo systemctl stop openvas-*
    sudo systemctl stop greenbone-security-assistant.service

    4. Make the libraries you downloaded:
    sudocmake .
    sudo make install

    5. Restart the service

    Kali start -> openvpn start or just through the command line

    Quote Originally Posted by pleontios View Post
    Hello everyone.

    After my last update of KALI LINUX on my laptop, the scanning with OPENVAS (fully updated also) came up with the following scan result:
    Report outdated / end-of-life Scan Engine / Environment (local)
    Installed GVM Libraries (gvm-libs) version: 9.0.3
    Latest available GVM Libraries (gvm-libs) version: 10.0.1

    Solution type: VendorFix

    Update to the latest available stable release for your scan environment. Please check the references for more information. If you're using packages provided by your Linux distribution please contact the maintainer of the used distribution / repository and request updated packages.

    Of course the other scanning results were extremely poor -actually far less than the usual of the same IP.

    Is it something I can do to fix this, or should I wait for a vendorfix?

    Thank you in advance,

    P. Leontios
    BEng, DIC, MSc, MBA

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