I recently have a new 8Gb ram raspberry pi and trying to install Kali Linux on It but the process was faliure.
I've download Kali images from
Tried whith this two:
1- Kali Linux RaspberryPi 2, 3 and 4 2020.2a
2- Kali Linux RaspberryPi 2 (v1.2), 3 and 4 (64-Bit) 2020.2a
But in both cases I have one error in boot loader telling me that "start4.elf: is not compatible"
I think It can be something related to the new board with 8gb ram because in my 4gb ram raspberry I could install Kali successfully.
I tried to update the raspberry boot loader to the latest version but It didnt't work.
Any help would be wellcome.
Thank you!!