As OpenVAS has moved to GVM and and I wanted to avoid migration issues I installed the latest package of gvm (11.0.2+kali4) from the scratch and gvmd-check-setup says that my installation is OK but still I see two issues:
First is that changing the admin pasword just doesn't work.
"gvmd --user=admin --new-password=new_password" doesn't give any errors but just has no effect.
After a couple of tries I figured out that you need to run the command as user _gvm:
"sudo runuser -u _gvm -- gvmd --user=admin --new-password=new_password"
Maybe you could give a hint if it's run as different user/root?
Second is that for the NVT plugins to be recognized correctly I had to symlink the plugin directory:
"sudo runuser -u _gvm -- ln -s /var/lib/openvas/plugins /var/lib/gvm/plugins"
it seems that the sync script still put the NVTs in the old directory...
Could you have a look into these issues, please.
Thank you for your help