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Thread: Is there any way to install Nethunter on VMOS?

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  1. #1
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    Is there any way to install Nethunter on VMOS?

    I've INFINIX NOTE 7 and I don't want to root it because I'm a POKEMON GO player, and I want to know if there's any way to install Nethunter on VMOS with complete NETHUNTER benefits?

  2. #2
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    I am here.
    Quote Originally Posted by OMGiTzREALHASSANALI View Post
    I've INFINIX NOTE 7 and I don't want to root it because I'm a POKEMON GO player, and I want to know if there's any way to install Nethunter on VMOS with complete NETHUNTER benefits?
    not with complete nethunter benefits. Even in Kex mode you don't have the same abilities you have as if it's installed in chroot mode. What you COULD do, if the tools are available already for your device, or if you're capable of building them from source yourself, is to root your device using the latest magisk by Topjohnwu and once you have a stable root, install EdXposed with RIRU core (either YAHFA or Sandhook, I seem to have the best results and best stability with YAHFA) at least version 19+ of RIRU.....once Xposed framework is installed and you've restarted and it's functional and everything is good, go into the EdXposed Manager and look under Modules, you'll find a search box, just type Pokemon in and hit search. You'll find several modules that are designed to hide root from the Pokemon game, amongst other really nifty things.....Keep in mind that Magisk comes with MagiskHide, and so far I haven't had any apps detect my root with MagiskHide running. I use banking apps and several other varieties of "secure" apps, and everything works as long as MagiskHide is enabled and as long as the device passed SafetyNet attestation checks......I run a OnePlus 7T Pro 5G McLaren Edition in this configuration, and everything just works. You could give that a try, and if it works you'll be able to install NetHunter in chroot mode and have (most likely as long as your hardware is compatible) full wifi monitor mode, packet injection, etc etc...there's also bluetooth/NFC goodies, and keyloggers. just all kinds of fun things In my opinion. the chroot installation is worth the effort.

    That said, if anyone wants to help me figure out why my device no longer wants to install the chroot environment, drop me a PM or contact me via Telegram (@Rx8driver) or via email [email protected]....I previously had it installed and it was running great, but I needed to unroot to take an OTA update from my mobile carrier, and in the process of this I found that I needed to MSM the device back to factory, unlock the bootloader again, re-root, the whole nine yards.....when I went to reinstall the chroot, won't do it. I, for the life of me, can't figure out why. There seems to be an issue with Android 10 and the storage framework from a compatibility perspective, because the app doesn't accurately detect the folders in the /nhsystem/ folder- sometimes it sees the /nhsystem/kalifs-arm64/ folder and sometimes it doesn't....sometimes it thinks the ~/kalifs-arm64/ folder isn't empty (it is) and sometimes it detects the folder correctly and starts extracting the chroot image file from the root of my storage....which takes QUITE a while....and at the end, all of the chroot isn't there, there's only a handful of folders, and some of them are empty, so I've got NO CLUE WHERE all that extracted data WENT, but it's not where it's supposed to be, and I've scoured the storage, it's not anywhere else either.....I thought maybe it was a kernel issue, but I have to compile a kernel, I can't use the international kernel because I'm on a tmobile-branded device, and I'll lose 5G data if I don't compile a kernel with the necessary modem/antenna modules.....and so far T-mobile hasn't released the kernel source yet, so I can't compile it at all.....I could try to work with the factory kernel and adjust what I can, but I no longer think it's really the kernel....from looking through the logcat I think the primary issue is the Android 10 storage framework not being compatible with the way the script deals with pointing to directories and symlinking....but if anyone has had any issues like this and has better info or more experience than I do, please feel free to help me out!

    Sorry for the novel, all.....Happy Holidays to everyone, and stay safe out there!


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