This howto assumes you already have a working Katana 2.0 USB to work with that has about 2.5GB free space
- Download Kali. For this I used "kali-linux-1.0.1-i386.iso"
- Create a new directory on your Katana 2.0 USB named "kali" (without quotes)
- Use 7zip to extract the Kali ISO contents to the new directory you created
- Edit the /boot/menus/main.cfg file on your USB, and add the following below the first "ENDTEXT"
Code:LABEL kali MENU LABEL Kali KERNEL /boot/vesamenu.c32 APPEND /boot/menus/kali.cfg TEXT HELP More about currently selected: From the creators of BackTrack comes Kali Linux, the most advanced and versatile penetration testing distribution ever created. BackTrack has grown far beyond its humble roots as a live CD and has now become a full-fledged operating system. ENDTEXT- Create the file "/boot/menus/kali.cfg", copy the following contents, and save the file
Code:menu background /kali/isolinux/splash.png menu color title * #FFFFFFFF * menu color border * #00000000 #00000000 none menu color sel * #ffffffff #76a1d0ff * menu color hotsel 1;7;37;40 #ffffffff #76a1d0ff * menu color tabmsg * #ffffffff #00000000 * menu color help 37;40 #ffdddd00 #00000000 none menu vshift 16 menu rows 6 menu helpmsgrow 10 menu helpmsgrow 11 # The command line must be at least one line from the bottom. menu cmdlinerow 12 menu timeoutrow 12 menu tabmsgrow 14 menu tabmsg Press ENTER to boot or TAB to edit a menu MENU TITLE KATANA - Kali label live-686-pae menu label ^Live (686-pae) menu default linux /kali/live/vmlinuz initrd /kali/live/initrd.img append boot=live noconfig=sudo username=root hostname=kali noswap live-media-path=/kali/live/ live-media=removable label live-686-pae-failsafe menu label ^Live (686-pae failsafe) linux /kali/live/vmlinuz initrd /kali/live/initrd.img append boot=live config memtest noapic noapm nodma nomce nolapic nomodeset nosmp nosplash vga=normal noswap live-media-path=/kali/live/ live-media=removable label live-forensic menu label ^Live (forensic mode) linux /kali/live/vmlinuz initrd /kali/live/initrd.img append boot=live noconfig=sudo username=root hostname=kali noswap noautomount live-media-path=/kali/live/ live-media=removable LABEL back MENU LABEL .. KERNEL /boot/vesamenu.c32 APPEND /boot/menus/main.cfg TEXT HELP Back to Main Menu ENDTEXT
Using these steps works for adding other distros to Katana 2.0 as well. Be sure to read the Kali documentation on additional features like persistence. I hope this helps, and enjoy!