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Thread: VNC server only listening to localhost

  1. #1
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    VNC server only listening to localhost

    Using a different machine/VNC client to connect to Kex
    Is there a way to connect to Kex through vnc?

    I've got Nethunter running on my Lenovo vibe s1 and it runs fine. I can access Kex through the local Kex Client just fine, but whenever I try to connect using a different device on the same network, i'll get a connection refused error.
    The phone is pingable, so the connection is fine..

    Is there a way Kex is setup that prevents normal VNC clients from connecting? Are ports blocked? Am I just doing something completely wrong? Is this even possible?

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ali736 View Post
    Using a different machine/VNC client to connect to Kex
    Is there a way to connect to Kex through vnc?

    I've got Nethunter running on my Lenovo vibe s1 and it runs fine. I can access Kex through the local Kex Client just fine, but whenever I try to connect using a different device on the same network, i'll get a connection refused error.
    The phone is pingable, so the connection is fine..

    Is there a way Kex is setup that prevents normal VNC clients from connecting? Are ports blocked? Am I just doing something completely wrong? Is this even possible?
    Command "vncserver -localhost no"

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