Hello, I have been trying to figure this out for days now. I'm new to linux over all and installed it purely because of "www.tryhackme.com" challenges. Trying to learn here.
I have installed multiple applications for example discord. It works fine. I press "windows" button and I can find discord from the search bar.
I wanted to install whatsapp client and for that I needed snapd. Any application installed with command like the one below doesn't show up in the search bar or the dock that came with gnome called "dash to dock". This dock finds whatsapp when its OPEN but as soon as I close the app it disappears.
snap install whatsdesk
I have also tried manually adding .desktop files in
They are not showing up either in the dock or the search. I can find my test.desktop and whatsapp in the top left corner in "applications" under "usual applications". But nowhere else...
gnome version = 3.38.3
kali version = 2021.1
I have tried everything from multiple threads. Example below:
If there is some info I have left out, I'm sorry. As I said, complete newbie here.
If this is in the wrong place, feel free to guide me to the right place. Thanks!