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Thread: No Wlan0 or Wlan1 or wifi adapters showing up in Kali using Virtualbox - AWUS1900

  1. #1
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    Unhappy No Wlan0 or Wlan1 or wifi adapters showing up in Kali using Virtualbox - AWUS1900


    I've been banging my head on this for a while and just cant seem to get this to work.

    I haver a ALFA AWUS1900 usb Wifi adapter connected using virtualbox and it wont show up in kali no matter what I do.


    installing compat-wireless-2010-06-26-p

    I installed the rtl88xxau drivers still no luck

    Tried wlan up down up down lol

    see screen shot attached for what I see and the settings in Virtual box

    I've gone through this forum and can't seem to find the solution for my problem.

    Any help is really appreciated.

    many thanks in advance.
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