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Thread: OnePlus Nord Nethunter installation

  1. #1
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    OnePlus Nord Nethunter installation

    Hello This is My second Post about This Device I really Need Help My OS is On Oxygen OS 11.0 (AC01AA) Global version
    I have Rooted The Phone And Install Kali Nethunter By magisk Manager i reboot The Phone Then Give the Root Permission and when i enter the Nethunter terminal and give update by apt update an error Show Like
    Temporary resolution Failed I have Wireless Connection When i ping I end up with Error like There's is no internet On the phone...

    I can't Connect My alfa AWUS036ACH to the phone it didn't appear in (Airmon-ng)

    I try the same steps on Oxygen OS and Above The same errors which I can't connect The external adapter So What should i do I buy The device Because it's good and because Nethunter of course

    Any help ? i try On google But didn't help me

    Thanks in advance

  2. #2
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    I have the sane error!

  3. #3
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    First off, which version of NetHunter are you trying to run?

    Hmm, this was from last June.

    Let me start again: Which version were you trying to run, and do you still need help?

    By version, I mean rootless, light, or full version of NetHunter.

  4. #4
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    Dear @aaronouthier I solve this issue, and going forward! Thanks alot for your response!
    Also I have some trouble with Debian updates, but try to solve this.

  5. #5
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    Which Nord model did you work with? I see their site say they support the OnePlus Nord, but there seem to be differing versions.

  6. #6
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    I got it installed on my Nord N200 5G. Near as I can tell, it works with all Nord Models. TWRP isn't available for that model. There is an unofficial, but it doesn't boot. Just flash Magisk directly, then install NetHunter via Magisk

  7. #7
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    I bricked my nord today using the unofficial tarp so be cautious. Also couldn?t get the usb driver to install so I ended up getting ADB access via Ubuntu on a raspberry pi, if anyone else had this issue.

  8. #8
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    Hi aaronouthier, can you please help me? I'm using a Nord N200. I have root since I flashed a modified boot image to one of my boot partitions (not both). For the Nord N200, which Nethunter zip file should I use? Also, how do I set up chroot like regular? Thank you very much.

  9. #9
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    There is a nethunter download for OnePlus Nord - use that one.

    As far as installing it, Download the Nethunter .zip file to either internal storage or a Micro SD card. Then, open up Magisk and install NetHunter as though it were a Magisk Module. The install will take a while. Reboot when prompted. You will have Chroot immediately after rebooting. Be sure to check for updates to the NetHunter App after you reboot.

  10. #10
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    Aaronouthier, I appreciate your response and assistance. If possible, would you kindly check that the NetHunter image that has been circled is the one you are referring to? I'll remember to keep note of your further actions and let you know what transpires. Many thanks.

  11. #11
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    That is indeed the one I used on my N200 5G

  12. #12
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    I appreciate your comment, aaronouthier. Since you sent me your message, I've used Magisk to install the OnePlus Nord (Eleven) zip on my OnePlus Nord N200. However, I am experiencing some problems, and I was hoping you might kindly assist me. I didn't previously have any NetHunter-related applications installed. I expected some NetHunter software to be loaded after rebooting my device after installing the zip file from Magisk, but nothing was. I was surfing when I saw the NetHunter play shop, so I downloaded it. I installed NetHunter and NetHunter Terminal by opening the NetHunter play store and gave them both root access. Unfortunately, the NetHunter program only crashes when I open it. It truly doesn't send me any messages. I don't really get any messages from it that explain why. The only notifications I can recall seeing were probably two others about installing some apps (One of which I remember was NetHunter Terminal) and something about giving it permissions outside of the app. I would appreciate it if you could help me with this issue. Thank you.

    Edit: I used the remedy supplied by developer yesimxev, and my problem was fixed. Thank you for the help aaronouthier. It appears that the NetHunter app's DeAuth function won't allow me identify any networks to test it on, thus I must now figure out how to use it.
    Last edited by xemey88441; 2022-07-07 at 07:09. Reason: Added update for the fix to my problem plus an additional problem I encountered

  13. #13
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    Apologies for the delay. I didn’t notice the notification email until just now. I am curious as to where you got the patched boot file? Did you patch it yourself, or did you download it somewhere?

    I grabbed a Windows Machine, installed Python 3.10, and downloaded the latest firmware file direct from OnePlus.

    I then unzipped the payload.bin file from the official zip file, and processed it through payload dumper. This provided access to the official boot.bin file, which I copied to my phone, patched with Magisk, and then copied back to my computer. I then flashed the patched boot file to my phone, thus providing root access via Magisk. After that was established, I grabbed the latest nethunter .zip file for Nord, and flashed it from within Magisk.

    it is quite a bit of work, but well worth it.

  14. #14
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    Network Access

    Quote Originally Posted by aaronouthier View Post
    Apologies for the delay. I didn?t notice the notification email until just now. I am curious as to where you got the patched boot file? Did you patch it yourself, or did you download it somewhere?

    I grabbed a Windows Machine, installed Python 3.10, and downloaded the latest firmware file direct from OnePlus.

    I then unzipped the payload.bin file from the official zip file, and processed it through payload dumper. This provided access to the official boot.bin file, which I copied to my phone, patched with Magisk, and then copied back to my computer. I then flashed the patched boot file to my phone, thus providing root access via Magisk. After that was established, I grabbed the latest nethunter .zip file for Nord, and flashed it from within Magisk.

    it is quite a bit of work, but well worth it.
    By any chance, do you have internet access inside the chroot after installing as a magisk module?

  15. #15
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    Do you have internet access inside the chroot after installing nethunter as a magisk module?

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by guildedthorn View Post
    Do you have internet access inside the chroot after installing nethunter as a magisk module?
    Yes, as long as the rest of the phone does.

    The main trick to getting Root working via Magisk is to obtain a copy of the stock/unpatched boot.img and then patch it with Magisk. Then go into fastboot mode and flash boot_a and boot_b with the patched copy.

    I should note, however, that I am using the T-Mobile USA branded variant of the N200, and had to unlock it. If you?re running the international version, your experience might or might not be a bit different.
    Last edited by aaronouthier; 2022-08-08 at 22:26. Reason: Used the wrong term.

  17. #17
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    I am fully rooted via magisk, I'm using the OnePlus Nord N100, the nethunter image installs via magisk modules without a hitch, only issue is I have 0 network access inside the chroot even though I'm connected to wifi on the device, upon building a kernel I get the error Failed to mount '/data' (Invalid Argument)

  18. #18
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    To anyone following this thread, I have now unrooted my phone and restored to stock. I am about to sell my N200.
    However, when I did the latest update, I noticed I’m on Android 12 now instead of 11. Kali states it works for Nords with 11. This might be the source of some folk’s troubles.

    Also, I suspect this nethunter release was for the original Nord. If it works with later models, great. If I’m correct, there won’t be any official support in that case.

  19. #19
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    Installing NetHunter requires the following steps:

    • Download a pre-built image or build your own image.
    • Put your device in developer mode.
    • Unlock your device.
    • Install TWRP.
    • Flash Magisk.
    • Android 9 and above: Format ?data? and flash Universal DM-Verity & ForceEncrypt Disabler.
    • Install NetHunter.

    For more Details Check: Clash of Souls – Download Souls Server S1, S2, S3, S4 APK
    Last edited by lakakahn; 2022-12-12 at 18:54.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by lakakahn View Post
    Installing NetHunter requires the following steps:

    • Download a pre-built image or build your own image.
    • Put your device in developer mode.
    • Unlock your device.
    • Install TWRP.
    • Flash Magisk.
    • Android 9 and above: Format ?data? and flash Universal DM-Verity & ForceEncrypt Disabler.
    • Install NetHunter.

    For more Details Check: Clash of Souls ? Download Souls Server S1, S2, S3, S4 APK

    When i get to the format data part (where you go to wipe/format data and then type yes) i do that, then flash DM_Verity & ForceEncrypt Disabler, the phone does not boot anymore. Any ideas as to why this might happen?i I have to restore the device using the MSM Download tool to fix it

  21. #21
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    do you have an unlocked bootloader before trying to flash TWRP? (you can usually enable this but have to reboot for it to take effect before trying to flash any other bootloader)

    Once you've wiped it and before adding verity and encrypt disable, try rebooting, then boot to recovery again and add your new software perhaps?

    You need to know which bit its balking at..

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