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Thread: NETHUNTER INSTALLATION ERROR-SSL error: certificate verify failed (null)

  1. #1
    Join Date

    NETHUNTER INSTALLATION ERROR-SSL error: certificate verify failed (null)

    I follow all the steps as indicated on the Kali Nethunter installation page but keep on getting the following error:
    I even add --insecure to the end of ./install-nethunter-termux

    ## #### 88 a8P db 88 88 ##
    ## 88 .88' d88b 88 88 #### 88 88' d8''8b 88 88 ##
    ## 88 d88 d8' '8b 88 88 #### 8888'88. d8YaaaaY8b 88 88 ##
    ## 88P Y8b d8''''''''8b 88 88 #### 88 '88. d8' '8b 88 88 ##
    ## 88 Y8b d8' '8b 888888888 88 #### ##
    #### ############# NetHunter ####################[*] Checking device architecture ... [*] Checking package dependencies...
    proot is OK tar is OK
    axel is OK Reading package lists... Done
    Building dependency tree... Done Reading state information... Done Calculating upgrade... Done 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded. [*] Downloading rootfs...
    Initializing download:
    SSL error: certificate verify failed

    Thank you

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Not sure 100%, but check that your clock is set correctly, as that can cause certificate validation to fail in general. If the date is not set right, many sites won't come up right.

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