When i get to the very first Graphical screen ("Welcome to the first start of the panel"), it has either frozen or my mouse and keyboard just stopped working. But I already did the login, so I don't see why the keyboard would stop working. Anyways, it just sits there, the mouse does not move, keyboard does nothing, and I am unable to continue with the installation on my raspberry pi. I have tried 3 different mouse, and the keyboard does work, but when I get to this page I cannot go any further. I am unsure what to do. And just now, after about 8 minutes of sitting at that screen, it has turned itself off (not the pi, just kali). It does not restart itself, unless I unplug computer and turn back on. I am now sure that it has frozen. I installed kali onto an SD card to put into my Pi, and the beginning text load appears to load just fine, it even asks for user and pass and lets me through once I 'startx'. But after that, at the screen, nothing else.
Not sure what to do, please help.