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Thread: Encrypted persistance not working only when mounting IMG in VMWARE

  1. #1
    Join Date

    Encrypted persistance not working only when mounting IMG in VMWARE

    I have a MBP and successfully run KALI from a usb-stick with encrypted persistence in DUAL BOOT and VMWARE USB-BOOT.
    I made a backup of the stick using DD.

    Now, I set up a new VM, which boots from DVD, on which I mounted the Kali-Image (backup.img).

    Grub starts, but upon choosing "Encrypted persistence" as usual, it skips the PW entry and I end up in a live system without persistence.
    I don?t know what to make if this. If I DD the image back to Drive and boot from it, it asks for the LUKS-PW.

    Why is it skipping the PW entry when running the image in vmware ?

    Thanks !

  2. #2
    Join Date
    you said you 'bbot it from DVD' in which case its treated as an unchangeable ISO so how could you have persistence that would imply 'keeping changes'

  3. #3
    Join Date
    How else would I run the Vmware from the image ? Mounting as a DVD seems the only option. I tried Floppy, but it complained about size.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    I think your missing the point, to have persistence you would need to be able to write to it, a DVD by definition is a fixed image (ISO), i.e. unchangeable so cannot be written too..

    So it can only run 'as a Live Image' i.e. as if from a burned DVD ISO.. an .img is only a virtual disk of a fixed media.

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