I'm trying to install Kali Nethunter on my OnePlus 7Pro (1917) as per the instructions Here, but I'm hitting a wall on my Windows box at the MsmDownload step.
So the steps don't say, but I assume I needed to install the OnePlus USB drivers, so I did and when I plug in the OnePlus in EDL mode, I see "Qualcomm HS-USB QDloader 9008" on COM6, but it says the driver is unsigned and seems to set some baud rate of 9600 N81. When I fire up MsmDownload after that, I see a "COM6 N/A" and if I click start it'll just say "Waiting for device"
Some other sites talked about having to set bcdedit, but when I do I get:
The error itself is outside the scope of the forum (I'm trying various ways to rebuild it w/o re-installing Windows), but I'm trying to understand what the bcdedit is needed for and if I have a way around it.PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> bcdedit
The boot configuration data store could not be opened.
The configuration registry database is corrupt.
So is it this driver or is there a setting I've got wrong (baud?) or something else I can do? Otherwise, it where another way to install the guac image via TWRP or something linux based?