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Thread: Kali linux networking or NetworkManager breaks automatically and no wlan0

  1. #1

    Kali linux networking or NetworkManager breaks automatically and no wlan0

    I am using kali linux.
    My wifi is gone.
    Either my NetworkManager goes down and active fails or my networking. As a result I'm unable to use my wifi help!!!

  2. #2
    This might help if the issue still reoccuring

    sudo service networking restart

    dmesg| less (this will tell you if the driver failed to load)

    modprobe <name of driver> this will load the driver

    My skill is mid-level so I'm new to advance system management for Linux, but I had this issue as well
    and did some digging and found out that my driver was failing to load. In attempt to install the factory driver
    I just thought to manually load the default driver that kali had, and it worked!

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