This section of the forum is for members who wish discuss topics that are related to the developing their own personal version of Kali Linux.
Do not post links to any unofficial versions of Kali Linux here.
If you wish to share your personal version, please do so in the 'Custom Kali Images' section. Any post found which contains such links will be removed without notice.
Posts that are not related to Developing Kali Linux or are against the forum rules will be removed without notice.
Any posts that could be answered by a simple internet search or that are pertain to basic linux usage are not needed and will be removed without notice.
Any posts a moderator or administrator feels that stretch the bounds of this section, will be removed without notice at their sole discretion.
Useful Links
- Forum Rules - Must be followed by all members
- How to Make a Valid Thread - Our advice on creating a new post
- Official Kali Linux Documentation - Answers commonly asked questions as well as having solutions for known issues
- Official Kali Linux Bug Tracker - Submit any Kali Linux bugs here