I wasn't sure where to put this post so I decided the general would be okay
I was making a bootable kali drive with a new downloaded image with rufus
and windows defender was being triggered left and right which is very unusual for my machine because I do not install a lot of apps or anything non tech related.
This is what triggered the alerts
Affected Items
file: F:\pool\main\d\dbd\dbd_1.50-1kali6_amd64.deb
Affected Items
file: F:\pool\main\h\hyperion\hyperion_2.0-0kali3_all.deb
Affected Items
file: F:\pool\main\m\metasploit-framework\metasploit-framework_6.1.39-0kali1_amd64.deb
Are these false positives and is windows defender being paranoid or is rufus no longer a safe too to use for creating bootable USB's