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Thread: Building xfce version of Kaili amd64

  1. #1
    Join Date

    Unhappy Building xfce version of Kaili amd64

    I am attempting to create an xfce image of Kali from the original kali as a VM. So for some reason kali didn't add the xfce4 windowing environment in the first build. Now when I rerun the steps kali does not create the binary.iso as it did the first time. The additional parts of the continuous build does not work as well. My VM has 45 gig of space and it's not full.

    So does anyone have any updated steps for building xfce? Also since I went in and had to add more packages like xfce4 after creating the iso how can I create a bootable iso after I get the install customized and after manually installing xfce4 for the window manager!


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Can you post your kali.list.chroot file? Did you make sure to run lb config --architecture amd64 before running lb build?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Threr is Polish Version of Kali Linux with Xfce4... it`s polish, but U can change locale to any other country.

  4. #4
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