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Thread: Using tools from ParrotSec and/or using Kali/Parrot repos in non-systemd Debian distros?

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  1. #1
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    Question Using tools from ParrotSec and/or using Kali/Parrot repos in non-systemd Debian distros?

    Is it possible to add the repositories used in Parrot Security OS and use its tools in Kali Linux, therefore combining the best of both worlds?

    Also, if I were to add the repositories of either distro into a non-systemd Debian distro, like Devuan or MX Linux,
    would any of their tools work or are they completely dependent on systemd?


  2. #2
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    90% of Linux distros these days are systemd based, and most tools are available across most platforms. It's only package managers that tend to change like apt for debian and derivitives, rpm for fedora/redhat, yum for suse and pacman for Arch, you can add extra repos to most distributions and pull in extra tools.

    if you like the idea of having 'all the tools' have a look at blackarch, its 15 GB ISO but definitely fully loaded, although as its aimed at experienced Linux users, and especially Arch users, the incredible minimal window manger can be jarring for newbies, but it is fast.

    the tools are the same on all platforms, its only the UI that can be different, many of the tools in parrot and kali are even available for Mac and Windows

  3. #3
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    The Land of the Dead
    Quote Originally Posted by Fred Sheehan View Post
    the tools are the same on all platforms, its only the UI that can be different, many of the tools in parrot and kali are even available for Mac and Windows

    You can get all the Kali tools, yes, all of them, by going to your Xfce menu, Settings, Settings Manager, Kali Tweaks, Other, Metapackages and installing them from that menu.

    I doubt Parrot has any in it's archive Kali doesn't. If it has as many.

    You can get nmap, proxychains and MetaSploit from the FreeBSD ports tree. Firewalk till relatively recently

  4. #4
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    Sorry, DO NOT MIX REPOS !!

    I see what you're asking, but it would only work for a short time, and it will never be stable.
    Kali is a special purpose distro, and while it's based on debian, even using the official debian mirrors on Kali is NOT a good idea, it will break over time.

    The best course of action is, if you really need Kali, to make a custom Kali, and set up a custom / private package repo. Then find the projects / source code you want to include, package it to deb, and throw it in your local / private repo.
    And, build the packages on a Kali workstation.

    Everything else, is just asking for trouble. It "might" work, but not for long.

    You can include all the Kali tools (find the source code and convert to packages) into ordinary Debian, but, if you want / need Kali, look into the buildscripts, to make a custom Kali ISO, then packaging, and go from there.
    So, go play and have fun, and enjoy the ride, and don't despair, the journey has just begun, there's so much more out there

    But, since you talk about Parrot, let me ask what kind of Parrot you're talking about. They have several flavours. Home, and security edition. You don't mention your Linux skills, so it's kind of hard to give you advice.
    Parrot Home, can be extended to include security tools, that's the only difference between parrot home and security.

    But, I would suggest, if you're new to Linux, going with Debian, and get to know that. And why Debian ?, because, Kali's based on it, so get good on Debian, and you should have no trouble getting comfy on Kali.
    Read "Debian Administrators handbook", and "Kali Linux revealed", they should get you started.


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