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Thread: Installing onto a seperate parition of my E drive.

  1. #1
    Join Date

    Installing onto a seperate parition of my E drive.

    I'm having such a hard time just finding something that actually works. Please can someone just provide me a tutorial on how to install Kali onto a partition of my E drive (HDD) from a .iso file. Thank you sm.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    The fact ypu said 'E drive' means your on windblows, so..

    In windows disk manager, format the chosen partition (E drive) to FAT32 so Kali will actually be able to 'see it' (it cannot use an NTFS formatted drive, it will reformat the drive from FAT32 to EXT4 at install time)

    use Balena Etche - - to burn the installer ISO image to a USB stick, reboot computer, holding whichever button allows you to choose where to boot from, choose to boot from the USB you created and follow prompts to install Kali on chosen drive..

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