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Thread: Log In Issue, Correct username and password but login prompt comes back

  1. #1
    Join Date

    Question Log In Issue, Correct username and password but login prompt comes back

    Hi, I've been using Kali on the same VM in Vmware for 6 months or so. It has been running great. All of a sudden I started up the VM. Entered my encryption password. At the login prompt, I entered my username and password and clicked enter. The screen goes black for about 2 seconds and goes back to the login prompt. It does not give me an error for incorrect username or password. Just simply returns to the login screen. I can't seem to figure out any way to log in.

    Does anyone know how to fix this? Thanks!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    simply returning to the login screen is expected behaviour when the username or password is incorrect.
    You need to interupt the initial grub boot;

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