
Type: Posts; User: luckybanger7

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  1. Replies

    Use RTL8187B with OTG adapter?

    Hello everyone!
    I've installed kali linux with linux deploy on my oneplus one.
    I am now trying to get a usb wifi card to work on kali so i can crack wep with my phone.
    On the chroot it shows my...
  2. I have the exact same issue! Metasploit boots...

    I have the exact same issue!
    Metasploit boots but it doesn't find any payloads, exploits,...
  3. So if i understand correctly you have to make the...

    So if i understand correctly you have to make the router restart after a couple of pin tries?
    If this is the case than won't it make the reaver attack take a much longer time to get the WPS PIN?
Results 1 to 3 of 4