
Type: Posts; User: Flakke123

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  1. Replies

    And the Winner is: ME!!!! in dhcpd.conf was...

    And the Winner is:

    in dhcpd.conf was missing..

    Wrong too! The problem were my wifi adapters awus036h aswell as the 036nhr2 can't handle mastermode.. so after 2-3 months of learning...
  2. Replies

    MANA/hostapd noob config problem :-/

    Hi, i´m facing a problem with Mana-toolkit if i start
    (actually the problem comes up whenever "phy0=wlan0_0" is used) always get this:

    So the problem is hostapd...
  3. Replies

    If you are using Nethunter 2.0 you have to go to:...

    If you are using Nethunter 2.0 you have to go to:
    search for PermitRootLogin
    and change it to "yes"
  4. Hello, Nexus5 here 5.1.1 I can´t connect via...

    Nexus5 here 5.1.1

    I can´t connect via ssh. (Never tried this before)..
    I did apt-get-update upgrade and updated kali chroot.

    My NH-Device as well as the client are in the same Wifi....
  5. It's working on S5 g900F (klte) with CM12.1 And...

    It's working on S5 g900F (klte) with CM12.1
    And 8GB image..
    Important for me was to use(!) the built-in shell and not busybox.

    But... AS far AS i know it's still not possible to get The wifi...
  6. G900F klte cm12.1 (Linux deploy) what is the Name oft the BT interface?

    Hello folks,
    i succesfully running kali-Linux with linux-deploy on my phone(Galaxy s5 g900f klte cm12.1 lollipop).
    Kali 1.1.0 Codename: moto

    I want to use some oft the Bluetooth tools installed...
  7. Kali on s5 (g900F\klte) Bluetooth not working

    Hello folks,
    i succesfully running kali-Linux with linux-deploy on my phone(Galaxy s5 g900f klte cm12.1 lollipop).
    Kali 1.1.0 Codename: moto

    I want to use some oft the Bluetooth tools installed...
Results 1 to 7 of 7