
Type: Posts; User: tdbone1

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  1. Exynos 990 (sm-g985f/ds Galaxy S20+) any images that will install with unlocked BL?

    basically what the topic says.
    i was looking at the oneplus 8 images but they are all for snapdragon SoC.
    cant believe that since snapdragon cpus are BL pretty much when the Exynos processors...
  2. Kali Linux NetHunter install in 8 minutes (rootless) and includes Android 14


    i didnt see a thread reguarding this guide so i am posting it now.
    should probably be a sticky.

    i have a t-mobile sm-g998u on wk1 default...
  3. inject amd gpu driver to kali-linux "live" iso so it works on first boot up in live enviroment?

    i have a amd 5600x cpu and 6900xt gpu.
    i want to use "hashcat" with gpu acceleration when i boot the kali live usb iso.
    this question is not about hashcat.
    this question is about having gpu...
  4. kali-linux-2017-W22-amd64 Persistence USB update usb to kali-linux-2017-W23-amd64

    so i have my kali-linux-2017-W22-amd64 Persistence USB working perfect.
    i have done some apt-get update ** and apt-get upgrade and also i download small files with firefox off internet (to my...
  5. ok here is how i did it and i also believe...

    ok here is how i did it and i also believe monitor mode is working

    i used my dell laptop that has (only) Windows 10 x64 on a single ssd.
    i then created kali linux amd 64 week 22 live usb (with...
  6. dmesg most...

    dmesg most important part
    [ 13.747169] bcma: bus0: Found chip with id 0x4352, rev 0x03 and package 0x00
    [ 13.761869] bcma: bus0: Core 0 found: ChipCommon (manuf...
  7. BCM4352 + kali-linux-2017.1-amd64 + kali-linux-2017-W20-amd64

    downloading kali-linux-2017-W21-amd64 as i type this.

    running from a usb stick.

    lspci is picking up the bcm4352 device
    modprobe shows the b43 driver running.

    iwconfig shows nothing....
  8. Replies

    ok i had success kali amd64 image (week 20)...

    ok i had success

    kali amd64 image (week 20)
    16GB fat32 stick
    windows 10 pro 64bit
    mbr and uefi selected
    select weekly image
    DD mode
  9. Replies

    i downloaded "kali-linux-2017.1-amd64.iso" i have...

    i downloaded "kali-linux-2017.1-amd64.iso" i have used "rufus-2.15p.exe", "Etcher-1.0.0-win32-x64.exe" and "unetbootin-windows-638.exe" to write the image to my 16GB USB Thumbstick.
    no matter how i...
Results 1 to 9 of 12