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Thread: NVIDIA keeps black screening laptop

  1. #1
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    NVIDIA keeps black screening laptop

    I've installed kali on a usb drive as bootable like a hard drive. I did all upgrades and then installed the nivida drivers and cuda kit provided by kali wiki. Followed all instructions even using nvidia-detect and it detected my card.

    I'm on an HP Omen 15" laptop with a GTX 1660TI card 16GB ram, etc

    I thought it was just an error installing the first time because it did this three times now.

    I installed kali back on the usb rebooted and logged in kali then did all updates, then nvidia and tried to reboot it gets past the kali logo and then black screen nothing. I can wait for hours and nothing happens.

    I can't even fix it because for some reason windows 11 can't access the usb contents. I've even loaded up kali on a vmware and put the usb in and it won't read the usb either.

    I read after hours of research to delete the conf file in the etc folder I can't remember the exact location of it but it was in the etc folder and then inside one of the sub folders. I can't do this because I can't access the usb drive.

    If I can't access it from a vmware surely I couldn't acesss it if I installed kali on another usb and then loaded up in kali from there then edited the usb from inside kali?

    I don't know I'm stuck I don't want to redo the install on the usb all over again then do all the upgrades all over as well.

    I need some help.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    If you want any system changes to remain on a 'Live' bootable USB after a reboot, you will need to add persistence to the USB itself.

    Windows can't 'see' Linux partitions, it doesnt' understand the ext4 file scheme

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