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Thread: Kali Linux 2023 - Nvidia Geforce Go 7300 - nvidia driver 304

  1. #1
    Join Date

    Kali Linux 2023 - Nvidia Geforce Go 7300 - nvidia driver 304

    Hello to all.

    Is there any easy way to install nvidia driver 304?

    I have a laptop with a Geforce Go 7300 gpu in which I have installed Kali.
    I have tried to install the nvidia driver via the repositories, but the oldest one available is 390.
    I have then tried to download the 304 driver from the nvidia website (the one that is a .run file), but I could not get it to install as there were many dependancies missing.

    Does anyone have any easy solution/guide?
    Or should I stick with the nouveau driver...?

    Many thanks.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    +1 for that, Lenovo 3000 N200 ftw!

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