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Thread: Using Kali inside a Debian install

  1. #1
    Join Date

    Using Kali inside a Debian install

    Hi everyone,

    I am currently using a Debian install (Debian GNU/Linux bookworm/sid), and would like to start playing with Kali. If possible, I would like to do it inside a Debian install.
    I could use Virtualbox, but maybe there is something more simple as I think it is a too big hammer for what I need (and maybe too much overhead).
    What about adding Kali's repos to my apt/sources.list?
    I have used Docker once a long time ago, is that the tool I need?

    Thanks by advance for your thoughts.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    You can add kali repos and then install kali tools on your present debian system..

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Quote Originally Posted by Le Barde View Post
    Hi everyone,

    I am currently using a Debian install (Debian GNU/Linux bookworm/sid), and would like to start playing with Kali. If possible, I would like to do it inside a Debian install.
    I could use Virtualbox, but maybe there is something more simple as I think it is a too big hammer for what I need (and maybe too much overhead).
    What about adding Kali's repos to my apt/sources.list?
    I have used Docker once a long time ago, is that the tool I need?

    Thanks by advance for your thoughts.
    If you're using Debian and want to use Kali tools:

    Adding Kali repositories: You can add Kali's repositories to your Debian's sources. list file to install Kali tools using apt-get. However, be cautious about potential compatibility issues and conflicts between packages.

    Using Docker: Docker provides a lightweight option to set up a Kali container within your Debian installation, isolating Kali tools without impacting your host system.

    Virtualization with tools like VirtualBox: VirtualBox allows running Kali as a virtual machine within Debian, providing a complete virtualized environment for exploring Kali tools.

    Consider your requirements, technical proficiency, and factors such as compatibility, performance, and isolation level when choosing the best approach for you.

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