Hello I just got a message on the vulnerability scanner on a scan:
Report outdated / end-of-life Scan Engine / Environment (local)

This script checks and reports an outdated or end-of-life scanengine for the following environments:- Greenbone Community Edition- Greenbone Enterprise TRIAL (formerly Greenbone Security Manager TRIAL / Greenbone CommunityEdition VM)used for this scan.NOTE: While this is not, in and of itself, a security vulnerability, a severity is reported tomake you aware of a possible decreased scan coverage or missing detection of vulnerabilities onthe target due to e.g.:- missing functionalities- missing bugfixes- incompatibilities within the feed

Detection Result

Version of installed component: 22.4.1 (Installed component: openvas-libraries on OpenVAS <= 9, openvas-scanner on Greenbone Community Edition >= 10)
Latest available openvas-scanner version: 22.7.2
Reference URL(s) for the latest available version: https://forum.greenbone.net/t/greenb...22-07-25/12638
