Hello Community

First of all, sorry for my bad english, I'm swiss and I don't speak a proper english.

I would like to ask you, if someone already has some experience with Kali and Hardware Raid.

I have a Workstation, wich first had Ubuntu Server on it and now is running a Windows 7.
As the windows can't use the whole 6 TB of storage I would like to use Linux again. And as I am interested in Information Security, I would like to try Kali.
I tried Linux Ultimate 3.5 first but it was as slow as Windows 98, so I reinstalled the Windows 7.

Here are my Hardware specifications (most of them because I don't know all of them by heart):

- 6x 1TB Harddrives
- Nvidia 4000 Grafics
- 16 GB Ram (Kingston)
- 2x Intel Xeon 2.4GHz CPU
- 3Ware Raidcontroller

To install the Windows I have to insert a Disc (not CD or DVD, a real Disc) with the driver for windows on it.
Becaus otherwise the installer doesn't know the HDDs.

At the moment there is a RAID 5 over all 6 HDD's.
Can I just install Kali over it (after having my Data backuped aside) ?

Or will I have to search a driver for the 3 Ware controller, to use with Kali?

Thanks for your answer

kind regards
