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Thread: How to make Chrome your default browser in Kali

  1. #1
    Join Date

    How to make Chrome your default browser in Kali

    Ok so this took me a bit to figure out how to do. Since I have figured this out, I have found that there are other ways to do this as well. However this one is extremely easy and hopefully by posting this here I can help someone else out.

    If you haven't installed chrome and got it working from root on kali yet then I suggest you search these forums and get that done first.

    first thing you will need to do once chrome is installed and you can run from root is this command

    # ln -s /opt/google/chrome/google-chrome.desktop /usr/share/applications/google-chrome.desktop
    now if you check in "Applications>System Tools>Preferences>System Settings>Details>Default Applications>Web"
    You can now choose from the drop down menu "Google Chrome"

    Now that you have chosen Chrome as your default browser, you may notice that your plugins aren't working.
    To fix the plugins problem you can run this command
    ln -s /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins /opt/google/chrome/plugins
    Hope this helps
    Last edited by yelow79; 2013-11-16 at 04:41. Reason: highlighting a very important part

  2. #2
    Join Date
    HI I want to ask that how your able to run chrome as my chrome is giving error "Please start Google Chrome as a normal user"
    But i'm not able to login as normal user what to do ?
    Please give some idea.


  3. #3
    HI I want to ask that how your able to run chrome as my chrome is giving error "Please start Google Chrome as a normal user"
    But i'm not able to login as normal user what to do ?
    Please give some idea.

    Check this out:

    Howto run google-chrome as root:

    Just want to add a permanent solution to the problem:

    1. Open google-chrome located in /usr/bin with 'gedit', 'kate' or your favorite text editor.

    gedit /usr/bin google-chrome

    2. Add "--user-data-dir" (without the quotes) at the very end of the file. Mine looks like this:

    exec -a "$0" "$HERE/chrome" "$@" --user-data-dir

    3. Save, close and voilĂ*, you're done. Enjoy your favorite browser.

    If you still want to run it as other user then please reffer to this page:


  4. #4
    Join Date
    I still cannot find Google Chrome to the Default Applications seetings... :/
    Developer and Owner at . I like paintball and Karts, i want to enter at Manchester Metropolitan University and become a Penetration tester.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Did you Copy and paste the two commands?

  6. #6
    Join Date

    Chrome-links dont work

    Quote Originally Posted by Amidamaru View Post
    Check this out:

    Howto run google-chrome as root:

    Just want to add a permanent solution to the problem:

    1. Open google-chrome located in /usr/bin with 'gedit', 'kate' or your favorite text editor.

    gedit /usr/bin google-chrome

    2. Add "--user-data-dir" (without the quotes) at the very end of the file. Mine looks like this:

    exec -a "$0" "$HERE/chrome" "$@" --user-data-dir

    3. Save, close and voilĂ*, you're done. Enjoy your favorite browser.

    If you still want to run it as other user then please reffer to this page:


    Thank u it works. But when i try to open a link still tells mes cant run chrome as root xmp i draged out from chrome a link into desktop and why i try to open it i get the error.
    any idea? Thanks

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