Would like to post an update to my question. I resolved the issue with a bit of research. Hopefully this may help someone else. [level of difficulty: 2/easy]

First, you must establish some kind of eth0 connection or else you won't be able to follow the rest of this info. (assuming this is for the device you are troubleshooting)

Things you need:
your Ralink model: example: RT2800
internet connection example: eth0 up ...
 apt-get install wicd
Second: After you have your internet connection and wicd is configured properly, (both wlan0 and eth0 are enabled) then you can open your terminal and enter code:
apt-get install firmware-ralink
According to: https://wiki.debian.org/rt2800pci#Installation the kernel module is automatically loaded for supported devices.

That's it!

This worked for me. As I mentioned in my previous post [ at time of posting this it has not been displayed yet ] I installed kali-mini via ISO DVD to Hard Disk Partition (very easy). Not sure if this issue was a problem for a normal install on a Hard Disk.