How to install OpenVPN on Kali.

Step 1 – Download OpenVPN

Open a Root Terminal and install these 7 packages:
apt-get install network-manager-openvpn
apt-get install network-manager-openvpn-gnome
apt-get install network-manager-pptp
apt-get install network-manager-pptp-gnome
apt-get install network-manager-strongswan
apt-get install network-manager-vpnc
apt-get install network-manager-vpnc-gnome


Step 2 - Download OpenVPN certificates

Using IVPN as a provider we need:

- User name (always starts with iVPN)
- Password
- 2 Certificates and 1 Key
- Multiple routes called .ovpn files
With IVPN, these .ovpn files are under

Download Tab

Configuration files (Windows, OSX and Linux)

Save file

Zipped file is saved to /tmp


Step 3a – Make a VPN directory to keep things ordered

(Trust me on this… you’ll be so glad)
mkdir iVPN

cp /tmp/iVPN* ~/iVPN

check that it’s copied over fine…before unzipping.
Step 3b – Extract the zipped VPN files


Notice the names of the files unzipped…
There are 3 critical OpenVPN files that you’ll need to be able to locate.
ca.crt = certificate authority certificate

client1.crt = client certificate (ie your certificate)

client1.key = client key (ie your key)


.ovpn are configuration files that contain the route files, IP’s of the gateways etc.

They specify routes such as direct to Netherlands, or Multihop, USA to UK.
As the files are unzipped, you’ll see many single or multi hop routes appear.
