Hey guys, im new to kali and only have a few months worth of experience with other linux distributions.

After installation, i am greeted with a fullscreen, terminal like environment (for the lack of a better word).

usernamehere login: root
password: what i set in installation

worked. BUT i was not greeted by a nice, userfriendly desktop environment after.

It stayed in this terminal and responded to my log in with only some basic program information:

" last login mon sep 16 13:32:47 est 2013 on tty1
linux usernamehere 3.7-trunks-686-pae #1 smp debian 3.7.2-0+kali8 i686

the programs included with the kali gnu/linux systems are free software;
the exact distribution terms for each program are decribed in the
individual files in /usr/share/doc/*/copyright.

kali gnu/linux comes with absolutely no warranty, to the extent permitted by applicable law."

From here, it allows me to type stuff just like in any other terminal window, but, i cant figure out how to get to desktop.

I decided against installing the debian desktop environment in the installation, is this what's causing this issiue?

I have no idea.

Thanks for your help.