Network Manager if not handled properly can easily disrupt phishing programs. The user will have no indication that this is occuring.

If you are not providing internet access the best solution is to turn Network Manager off as it is not required. In WPA phishing you do not need Network Manager at all so turn it off period.

Right click on the Network Manager in upper right hand corner of screen and remove the check mark next to Enable Networking - problem solved.

In other types of phishing where you are providing internet access, careful handling of Network Manager is required.

If Network Manager tries to use the device providing internet access the ability of a client to associate to your rougueAP is terminated. Everything will look normal except client association is impossible. You will sit for hours wondering where the phish have done.

Since you cannot disable Networking as you are providing internet access, we suggest right click on the Network Manager Icon in upper right hand corner of screen.

Goto Edit Connect

When Network Connections appear, click on every AP Name you have loaded

Select Edit
Remove the check mark in Connect automatically
Then Save.

Make sure there are no AP names with connect automatically selected.

Now Network Manager will usually sit quietly and not disrupt your phishing.

WE suggest you check Network Manager occassionally to make sure it has not associated to an AP.

In closing remmember the only true way to check your program actually functions is to try and associate to the rogueApo with another computer. So when you first setup a phishing program test it with another computer simulating a phish.