If you are mac address spoofing with reaver our team suggests you run some test on your computer especially if your computer is an older model laptop.

First go to your network manager upper right hand corner.
Right-click on the network manager and remove the check next to Enable Networking.
Enter ifconfig in a terminal window and see if your primary wifi-device supporting packet injection is still present. If it has disappeared place a check next to Enable network manager and see if your primary wifi device supporting packet injection has returned.

Now try spoofing your wifi device with the network manager enabled and not enabled.

For clarity the steps to mac spoof reaver are:

ifconfig wlan0 down
ifconfig wlan0 hw ether 00:11:22:33:44:55
ifconfig wlan0 up
airmon-ng start mon0
ifconfig mon0 down
macchanger -m 00:11:22:33:44:55
ifconfig mon0 up

In cases where your wifi device disappears when networking is not enabled. If you try and spoof your mac with Networking not enabled the routine above will appear to work but when you type ifconfig there will be no wifi device seen AND when you enable it and run ifconfig it will show a unspoofed mac address. We suggest you only use reaver with the Network Manager enabled. You will have to uncheck "connect automatically" on any Network Connections that are in range of your device.

What has this got to do with reaver.

If you run reaver with the --mac= command. The mac in the command string MUST be the same as the mac of your primary device and your monitor or you can get a lack of results from reaver. We have run tests and seen the problem with an AP getting keys stopped immediately when we got the mac codes in sync.

Remember when using reaver and want to check the mac code you are sending to the targetAP just run-up airodump-ng on the channel and --bssid of your target and see what mac code your computer is using.

We have seen this problem on older model HP computers like pavilion. These computers also do not allow usb wifi recievers to function unless the internal wifi is switched on and in some cases windows must first turn on the internal wifi device allowing the manual switch to function . We have no proof but we believe all these problems are related.