Hi fellow Kali users,

Today I bought the DWA-812 USB wifi adapter in order to use aircrack-ng with Kali.
My host is under Windows 8.1 64-bits, and my guest is Kali under Oracle Virtualbox.
First, I wasn't able to connect my adapter to the virtualbox (usb is busy with previous
request), so I looked everywhere until I found a way to do it.

  • Unplug USB device
  • Run Taskmgr.exe
  • Kill every instance of Virtualbox.exe and VBoxSVC.exe
  • Plug USB device
  • Add a filter in the oracle virtualbox options
  • Launch and TA-DA!

Yayy, I did it! ... and ****! I can't get wlan0.

Note: D-Link Corp. is my usb adapter

How to make the adapter work?

Thanks for your support!