I have the same problem. I am able to boot, create users, but my Encrypted partition shows up as:

15GB Unrecognized. Authenticating an attempt to mount it results in the error that "One or more block devices are holding /dev/dm-0"

I created my install on a usb with using the process documented here.

I had problems getting the crypttab setup; there is another extended thread on that here. My problem with that; however, was that the UUID in Crypttab was correct; but there was an errant entry that had to be corrected in fstab.

My output for sudo dmsetup info is:

jkali_admin@kali:~$ sudo dmsetup info
[sudo] password for jkali_admin: 
Name:              sdd3_crypt
State:             ACTIVE
Read Ahead:        256
Tables present:    LIVE
Open count:        2
Event number:      0
Major, minor:      254, 0
Number of targets: 1
UUID: CRYPT-LUKS1-01cf6130cf5b42e19016f929a320a908-sdd3_crypt

Name:              kali-swap_1
State:             ACTIVE
Read Ahead:        256
Tables present:    LIVE
Open count:        2
Event number:      0
Major, minor:      254, 2
Number of targets: 1
UUID: LVM-mUhKpTZxomUcwiRo7iBSGlsVyfHrEwQAEZLN8U7fJvaQgD4ADFn89DsHJzZucnY2

Name:              kali-root
State:             ACTIVE
Read Ahead:        256
Tables present:    LIVE
Open count:        1
Event number:      0
Major, minor:      254, 1
Number of targets: 1
My output for sudo blkid is:

jkali_admin@kali:~$ sudo blkid
/dev/mapper/kali-swap_1: UUID="290d1a0c-bd39-47ad-9b1a-bf88f8e1c848" TYPE="swap" 
/dev/sda1: LABEL="EFI" UUID="67E3-17ED" TYPE="vfat" 
/dev/sda3: UUID="fc6d6490-78f3-30b9-90d5-b6f01b4bada7" LABEL="Recovery HD" TYPE="hfsplus" 
/dev/sda4: LABEL="BOOTCAMP" UUID="823C122B3C121AAD" TYPE="ntfs" 
/dev/mapper/sdd3_crypt: UUID="C0fF2F-wcvZ-Y249-Vgcv-Xpb7-oasO-s6OHst" TYPE="LVM2_member" 
/dev/mapper/kali-root: UUID="5da44f46-8866-4db1-91fc-7a521a55971d" TYPE="ext4" 
/dev/sdc2: UUID="D5CA-CE95" TYPE="vfat" 
/dev/sdc3: UUID="01cf6130-cf5b-42e1-9016-f929a320a908" TYPE="crypto_LUKS"
When I check my crypttab, the uuid seems to match my /dev/sdd3 (which is my encrypted partition):

jkali_admin@kali:~$ nano /etc/crypttab

kali-root  UUID=01cf6130-cf5b-42e1-9016-f929a320a908 none luks
What seems to be wrong, and it took looking at it graphically via DiskUtility for it to 'click' is that the usb device & the encrypted partition are both showing the 15gb partition device mapper at /dev/dm-0:

This shows the Encrypted Partition Unlocked:

This shows the encrypted lvm holding a 15 GB /dev/dm-0

These, however, show the same 15gb mapped at the drive level and at locations /dev/dm-1 & /dev/dm-0 respectively.

I'm thinking this is a mapping problem, but I'm not sure exactly how to go about fixing it. Any help would be greatly appreciated!