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Thread: Encryption with Nuke

  1. #1
    Join Date

    Exclamation Encryption with Nuke

    So I am trying to get my disk encrypted with the nuke option... I cannot find the syntax!! I have the below, but I dont want to format my exisitig install:

    cryptsetup -c aes-xts-plain -s 512 -h sha256 -y luksFormat /dev/sda1

    The above will format the drive.

    How do I get my drive encrypted with a power on pass and nuke pass???

    Thanks for any help all!!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    As far as I know, you cant encrypt the data on the hard drive, just the hard drive itself. If you have some sensitive data, try truecrypt altough it sucks. But you need to install kali linux with encrypted hard drive LVM before adding nuke patch.
    Hard disk encryption is probably not what you are thinking it is. It only encrypts the drive, not the data.
    Once you have fully encrypted your hard drive, then at terminal you enter command:

    cryptsetup luksAddNuke /dev/sda5

    Then it will ask you the decrypt password that you setup, then it will ask you to enter nuke password

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