Hi All,

I'm a new here and a new user to Kali and Linux.

Yesterday I installed Kali on 1TB External Harddisk and was successful.
Right now, I am having problem of having to boot twice for Grub to load up.
Basically after I choose to boot from External Harddisk, Grub does not appear and just black screen and a small gray horizontal bar for typing(can't type anything though). After I turn off the power button, boot from External Harddisk again, it is a successful boot up. It only boots up 2nd attempt everytime after I use Windows or 1st turn on.
I am afraid to press the power button and force turn off the computer that could damage my computer, every time I want to use Kali OS.

Please help me as I am out of option and I couldn't find anything related on the internet.

My External Harddisk is in this structure.
sdb#1 Grub bootloader - 200MB (bootloader flag -on)
sdb#2 /root and all other files - 100GB
sdb#3 ntfs filesystem to save personal files from Windows - 800+ GB (not used from Linux)
sdb#5 swap

My Main Harddisk is 750GB with Windows8.1 pre-installed and have been using for a few months and I didn't touch anything to it as I am afraid to mess all up and couldn't reverse.