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Thread: unable to boot into kali linux after dual boot install

  1. #1
    Join Date

    Unhappy unable to boot into kali linux after dual boot install

    Hi , today i downloaded the kali linux i386 from official site
    and installed it in dual boot with windows 8 by following the official instaructions from here :

    and followed each step

    “now my boot menu shows me three options”
    1. Debian GNU/Linux, with linux 3.7
    2. Debian GNU/Linux, with linux 3.7 (recovery mode)
    3. windows vista boot loader
    windows is booting properly without having any problem but when i boot into kali linux it gives me a black screen after boot. i waited even 20 minutes and hopped that it will boot up but it doesn't
    i was using backtrack 5 r3 in dual boot with windows 8 but it never gave me this error
    “my hardware is hp mini notebook 1000”
    I used “Win32DiskImager” to make bootable flash drive.
    any help is appreciated... thanks in advance

  2. #2
    Join Date
    I am also facing the same problem dual boot with windows 7 whenever i run kali it starts and suddenly all screen disappear. Moreover found no solutions from 3 days searching on google. Anybody have any solution for it or i re install or remove it and go back to backtrack 5 r3 as i was using before.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Hey finally i got the solution for this problem when the screen get black or disappear full the brightness of your laptop you will get the display back

  4. #4
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    in the system
    I believe it has to do with screen/monitor detection. As suggested above is a quick fix but I suspect it will need further correction as I have the same problem with one of my machines but there is no brightness control

  5. #5
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    I had this issue as the screen was black with a single cursor....but it was frozen. Could not boot into anything.
    Then I booted into the recovery mode and emptied the trash. Once I emptied the trash I was able to load the regular Kali.

    My problem was I creating a wordlist for att Uverse routers. As they are only numeric passkeys . My wordlists were nearing 100gb.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    1. Boot in to kali terminal (Just turn on the computer).
    2. Log in to root.
    3. type in "vim /etc/default/grub" (no quotes)
    4. find a line that looks similar to this: GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="text splash vga=791"
    5. Move your cursor on top of the last quote on that line and press the letter 'i' on your keyboard (this turns vim in to inserting mode)
    6. Add a space between vga=791 and the quote then type in i915.modeset=1 (The new line should look like this: GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="text splash vga=791 i915.modeset=1")
    7. Hit escape on your keyboard and type in ':x' (with out the quotes.. Just hit the keys) and press enter. This will close the editor.
    8. In your console type in 'update-grub' (no quotes)
    9. Wait
    10. Restart
    11. ????
    12. Log in to root, and type in startx...
    let us know if it works for you ..

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