Attempting to install Kali to an encrypted volume. I want settings that differ from the installer defaults for cryptsetup (e.g., -h sha512 -i 15000 instead of -h sha1 -i 1000). I am therefore creating my LUKS container and then initiating the install. However, I am unable to open the container and use it as the install target. cryptsetup benchmark fails with a message about missing modules. modprobe aes fails with a message about no such module. I grepped /lib/ and /lib64/, with zero relevant results for "aes". I have spent a fair amount of time Googling for a solution, but all of them involve adding loading the AES module via insmod or modprobe, which is a bit of a circular problem.

If I boot into the liveCD instead of the installer, the AES module is loaded and I can decrypt and encrypt LUKS containers.

I am using the latest Kali 1.07 64-bit.