
I am using the latest version of Kali Linux. As I want to use airolib-ng in combination with aircrack-ng, which requires sqlite support, I need to reinstall aircrack-ng from what I have understood so far (or is there any other way to enable aircrack-ng sqlite support on Kali?
So first i recompiled the latest version of sqlite from the website (https://www.sqlite.org/download.html), which did not cause any problems. But upon trying to install the latest version of aircrack-ng with the make command, it says: "common.mak:84: *** Cannot find development files for any supported version of libnl. install either libnl1 or libnl3.. Stop."

After googling a bit I read a post in some other forum in which the user manually reinstalled libnl3-dev (or libnl-3-dev, tried both), libnl-3-200, libnl-3-doc,libnl-genl-3-dev and libnl-genl-3-200. However, libnl-3-200 and libnl-genl-3-200 were already installed and libnl-3-dev, libnl-3-doc, libnl-genl-3-dev could not be found via apt-get install. So what would you advice me to do now in order to fix this and get aircrack-ng working with sqlite support?