what I'm trying to do:

markov chains is very efficient at creating words, but still spews out things like "arocassse" or with numbers "aroca7999". The odds of 3 repetitions for a human generated password are slim to none. I'm trying to eliminate those useless words using maskprocessor with the arguments '-q' and '-r' as those options are not included with cudahashcat.

-q 3 = no more than 1 repetition. Ex: aa
-r 4 = no more than 3 of the same char. Ex: aXaXa

ok so it's pretty simple, but when trying to pipe maskprocessor in cudahashcat it doesn't work in linux.

One solution proposed was to place mp64 in the cudahashcat dir. That is why I was trying that.

That was my original syntax, and since I've tried many..
cd /usr/share/cudahashcat/usr/share/maskprocessor && ./mp64.bin -q 3 -r 4 ?d?d?d?d?d?d?d?d?d?d | cd /usr/share/cudahashcat/ && ./cudaHashcat64.bin -w 3 -t 10 -m 2500 /root/capture.hccap -a 3