Quote Originally Posted by Quest View Post
Let me understand something here... Why are we working with driver 331.67, and only that version. Is it because of bumblebee? (I'm quite stubborn and still looking for a solution, even within an obvious failure framework).

In any case, thank you staticn0de
Hi there Quest,

You don't have to use that driver version. That is just what is in the wheezy backports repo.

I have not tried a newer version on Kali (I've used 337 on Ubuntu with bumblebee - that had its own issues)

To install a newer version, you will need to add the Jessie or Sid repo.

Jessie is the testing repo and has the 337.19-1 driver under the name nvidia-driver or the transitional package Nvidia-glx.

Sid is the unstable repo and has nvidia 331.79-1 under the same names as that above.

These should work if you want to try them. I'm sure you understand how easily you can break Kali with unsupported repos (wheezy backports is not much better I'm sure)

deb http://http.debian.net/debian sid main contrib non-free


deb http://http.debian.net/debian jessie main contrib non-free