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Thread: Secure Boot enabled Kali install?

  1. #1
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    Secure Boot enabled Kali install?

    Even though Kali is touting UEFI install with 1.0.8, with Secure Boot enabled I am receiving an 'invalid signature' error. So the manual workaround of adding EFI files to the Live CD/USB is no longer necessary (apparently?), but it still requires disabling Secure Boot.

    Are there plans to get Kali working with Secure Boot? Is there a Secure Boot variable that can be manually added to the key store? Has anyone successfully installing Kali alongside Windows (7/8) with Secure Boot enabled?

    Any insight would be highly appreciated as I have wasted countless hours futzing with getting Kali to install and was disappointed that 1.0.8 did not ease the pain.

  2. #2
    I encountered the same 'invalid signature' problem while trying to boot to USB from a Windows 8.1 box. I was able to boot to USB from my Ubuntu box, however. In addition to assisting with the issue, would anyone care to explain it as well? I'm a dirty noob.

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