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Thread: messaging apps

  1. #1

    messaging apps

    I am looking for an imessage app for kali, just like the mac can message someone with an iphone via imessage. Is there anything for this to use in kali? The only way I can do it right now is emailing....its a bit of a pita.
    Other than that I love this operating system, its working way better than I imagined for my day to day use.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Quote Originally Posted by undersc0re View Post
    I am looking for an imessage app for kali, just like the mac can message someone with an iphone via imessage. Is there anything for this to use in kali? The only way I can do it right now is emailing....its a bit of a pita.
    Other than that I love this operating system, its working way better than I imagined for my day to day use.
    IF i understand a question && IF this can be a help for question:

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by zimmaro View Post
    IF i understand a question && IF this can be a help for question:
    I was looking for something geared more towards imessage, its an ios messaging app, it is built into the apple os, just wondering, I don't really need to message anyone when using kali/computer other than IOS messaging with imessage. Not the end of the world of course, just thought sumthin might be out there, it is probably being held for apple products only and not being released for anything else.

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