Hello all,

Device: Nexus 7 2012
OS: built from stock 4.4
my whole install process is recoreded (here) but I diont think you would need that much detail..
The onboard wireless device is enabled on the device and is not connected to any AP

The issue is that when I start up wifite I get:

error: SIOCGIFFLAGS (no such device)
wifite looks for wireless devices and finds

1. p2p0 unknown bcmsdh_sdmmc
2. wlan0 unknown bcmsdh_sdmmc
at this point i can select either one and it will say

enabling monitor mode on wlan0/p2p0... done
but it will bring me back to the selection list

[+]select number of device to put into monitor mode
in a seperate console if I run

ip a
I can see that mon0 and mon1 were created... yet im stuck in the infinite loop forced to break with Ctrl+c

Any help will be much appreciated.

Many thanks in advance.